Friday, January 30, 2015

I know it's a mite bit early to be picking the candidate for the Republicans but, when you have a favorite you tend to speak up.

Gov. Mike Huckabee is my guy. His record while he was governor is one of Honor, Efficiency and he stands by his word. Which is something that can't be said about our current President.
What we need in the Office of the Presidency is a man who,when he makes a statement of fact, will actually stand by what he says. Which would be really refreshing considering the nimrod we have now.

Huck also knows what a Terrorist is, and is willing to say it, not trying to use a bunch of gobbledygook so not as to offend his "love brothers" in the Arab World. Something we can't afford any longer, or we'll be hit again like 9-11.

He stands by or Military with all of his Heart. Rather than degrade and diminish, like the Socialists (Oops, I mean the Democrats). If we keep going the way we are with the Military like the Socialists are, the World will be a smoldering heap that can't be stopped.
And I'm pretty sure he won't be trading Generals of the Taliban or ISIS, for Deserters and Traitors like the current Socialist we have in office.

What we need is a True Conservative like Huck, a man who truly stands by the values that built this country. A man who is trustworthy to a fault.

God help us all, the USA and the World if we get another Socialist in the Whitehouse, like Hillary (It takes a Collective) Clinton.

As the Campaign Season progresses I'll have more to say about Huck, so keep coming back. Oh ya, I'll have plenty to say about the Socialist Candidates and their love of Government, unlike Huck who believes in People, not Government.

Ta ta for now...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I haven't posted in a very long time, but there has been a reason for that.

First we had a change in where we live, due to a lack of employment. We got fired, bad economy and all that other stuff. But we really don't give a s*** about that.

Mainly I was pretty much fed up with what I saw on the news, the government, and the horse pucky that was being passed off as intelligence on the Internet.

But I'm back, because things are getting bad out there and someone with an IQ (Slightly higher than the average shoe size) needs to tell things like they are.

Where to start? How about this nonsense about using the word "Terrorist", regarding Islam. Sorry, but if you blow people up with a body bomb and say Allahuakbar, YOU ARE A TERRORIST! Though if prefacing  your personal explosion with, " God Is Great" seems a little counter productive, know what I mean Mohammed? Terrorists run around killing Jews, Gentiles, other Muslims, small ponies etc. I know, I know, not all Muslims are terrorists, but if only 1% are, there would be about 1.5 million of them! Call a spade a spade (Not to be confused with a 1950's phrase) these people are Terrorists...Question is, what to do with, or to them? Best I can come up with, is to, KILL THEM ALL!!! (The terrorists that is). Sound like a plan, Stan?

Now don't misunderstand me, I really do believe in equality and make it a practice not to discriminate against anyone (Except for Stupid and Ugly people). But an Islamic Terrorist is an easy one to feel that way about. But giving them trials in US Courts, food stamps or bus passes is pushing it in my mind, know what I mean? If Barry is going do act with a lack of balls toward these people, he is, without a doubt, an Idiot, as well as anyone else that does.

Now this is very likely to p*** some off, GOOD! That is my main goal in life to do so...

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